Monday, November 22, 2010

Sunday in Tijeras New Mexico October 24 2010

Edgewood Ward Meetinghouse
I found an LDS meeting house only 10 miles away in a town called Edgewood after searching on The best news was the meeting time: 11:00a.m. Yea, we get to sleep in after our rough day.

It was a nice drive on the famous Route 66 to the meeting house. We were greeted by four really nice people. It was great to see that this ward took friend-shipping strangers seriously. The ward program was 8 half-size pages of really great information for the ward members. One interesting notice was an invitation to ward members to help clean the Albuquerque, New Mexico Temple every Monday at 9:00 a. m. and included the words, “all hands welcome.” Wow, what a special experience that would be! We only get invited to help clean our ward building. They were also invited to volunteer at the temple cafeteria: “It’s fun and smells heavenly.” This ward is so involved they even have an Empty Nesters Family Home Evening group.

It was a small ward filled with great people. My dad would have felt right at home here. He liked to wear his western suit and bolo ties to church. Quite a few men wore those and some great looking cowboy boots too. This brings back fond memories of David in his cowboy boots. That is all he wore for years because I liked the look of them and we were living in the southwest: Arizona.

Sacrament meeting was presented by the primary and the theme was how to follow Jesus. The kids were really cute as they came up to the mike. Some were very shy and others seemed very comfortable up at the pulpit.  The children sang with such excitement and gusto and their faces just lit up. It was a very sweet and special sacrament meeting.

Sunday School was taught by Brother Reizt dressed as I mentioned above in my dad’s favorite attire; bolo tie, western suit and cowboy boots.  He was a very articulate teacher. He used his GPS as part of the lesson. After writing the letters GPS on the blackboard, he asked the class to come up with appropriate gospel words that started with those letters.
Gospel        /    God            /    God
Prophets    /    Prayer, Prophets    /    Priesthood, Prophets
Savior        /    Scriptures        /    Spirit

These can be our GPS for getting through life. They will keep us on track. We just have to turn them on and make sure the batteries are charged through prayer, scripture study, following the Savior and obeying the commandments.

Diane Reitz, Terrie and Vikki Kreutzian

I met some really great sisters in Relief Society. I was asked once again to introduce myself. I had already done this in Sunday School so most of them knew that David and I were newbie fulltime RVers from Washington on our way to visit our daughter’s family in Austin for Thanksgiving and Christmas. This led to meeting Sister Reitz who in her wonderful southern accent told me that her son is an anesthesiologist at Swedish Hospital in Seattle; small world. Sister Vikki Kreustzian taught a very inspired lesson on faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. One of the many highlights of the lesson: “Faith is a principle of power and the moving cause of action within us.” At the end of the lesson, she asked us to think about the words In and On in relation to the Savior. For example, do we believe in Him and do we believe on Him and the difference between the two. I felt the spirit very strongly during the lesson and there was so much information to feast upon.

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