Monday, October 25, 2010

No Visits Allowed

The 4Runner’s breakdown cancelled the visits we had scheduled to Connie and Mark, my sister and brother in law in Vernal, and Jim and LaRue, my brother and sister in law in Provo. We had to wait 5 days for the parts and then another week to get everything running again. Fortunately, Kelly, David’s brother in law, was available to help David with the repairs and with the use of his garage. Meanwhile, David helped his Dad with some outside chores around the house.

Every night we had a relaxing evening watching a couple of David’s mom and dad’s favorite TV shows. It has been so nice to be able to have the time to have long talks with them; to hear the stories of way back when.

Home Sweet RV in Sandy
It was comfortable and quiet except for a couple of days when some professional tree cutters spent 8 very noisy hours chain sawing and chipping tree branches right across the street from our RV.  Those tin walls of ours don’t have much insulation.
Kelly, Lionel, Kelsey, Deanna and Terrie
We had more great dinners at Mom and Vern Dad’s house and a wonderful turkey dinner at Deanna and Kelly’s, David’s youngest sister and brother in law.

Chewie's new Halloween costume

Carol, Dan and grandkids
The second Sunday, Carol, another of David’s sisters and her husband Dan came to visit along with one of her daughter’s Jennie and her family. It was great to see those very cute kids. We don’t get the opportunity to see them very often.
Jenny, Shane and very cute kids
Elburn's banjo from Jimmie
A surprise for the third Sunday was getting to see Gary, David’s younger brother, sustained as the 1st Counselor in the bishopric of his ward. It was so wonderful to see Gary’s two grown sons and their families at church. Josh, the oldest son, is really into Family History. He gave me access to his family site on and mentioned that one of the compilers of the Thomas-Meyers family history book, Sharon Pflughoeft, would like to meet with us when we get to Oklahoma so she could share the results of her research. She emailed me and really wants to meet with us.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you guys got the chance to see all the family in Utah. The girls love seeing all the pictures and your adventure! They ask me everyDAY what day you will be here! Love you!
